Factors affecting maize production in kenya pdf

Case of kisii county charles ombuki department of economics, machakos university, kenya email. The dependency of kenyans to maize has equated the staple to food security. Factors affecting the adoption of agricultural innovations. Production and yield jumped in the net exporters uganda and rwanda, while yield fell in malawi and kenya which imported maize during the crisis. Rain and floods influence the farming project of the production of maize in south africa because too much or the lack off can cause. The average maize yield on ppt plots was 1,507 kg per acre 3. There is limited scope for expanding cultivated land under maize production since unused land is diminishing or is of marginal quality or just unsuitable for maize production kenya soil survey, 1987, muchena et al 1988. Constraints and opportunities of maize production in. Aflatoxin management for smallholder farmers of maize and. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. Weed science in the department of soil, crop and climate sciences faculty of natural and agricultural sciences.

Socioeconomic factors influencing smallholder pumpkin production, consumption and marketing in eastern and central kenya regions richard ndegwa bsc. The purpose of this study was to gather information on socioeconomic factors affecting sorghum production and the sorghum farming system used by the. A two stage regression model was applied to analyze determinants of adoption and factors affecting degree of adoption of certified improved maize seed. Maize export ban still affecting farmers jan 02, 2018 luke bisani top news 24 farmers union of malawi fum has said farmers are failing to invest in agriculture during the current farming season due to low maize prices last year. Posted on july 17, 2015 july 17, 2015 by dwangari1. These challenges include, low productivity, high input. To investigate the effect of climatic change on maize production in turbo constituency, to determine the. The objective of this paper is to identify factors influencing the decision to sell maize and the choice of marketing chain by smallholder farmers in swaziland.

Aflatoxins will only contaminate plants that have already been weakened by other factors, such as drought or pests. I would also like to thank the aerc in kenya for providing the funding for the thesis. Samples of 9 wheat growers were selected from the two districts of bale zone using two stage sampling procedure. I, bihon kassa abrha, declare that this phd thesis entitled factors affecting agricultural production in tigray region, northern ethiopia is my own work and that all the sources that i have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references. Maize also known as corn in some countries is one of the most common and important food crops across africa. Pdf production of staple food occupies an important part in subsaharan africas agricultural production. Most farmers still opt to grow maize which is frequented by crop failures. Decline of soil fertility has been a major challenge influencing agricultural productivity in subsaharan africa as well as malawi. Soil fertility technologies have been generated and disseminated by various development institutions to reverse the. Factors influencing maize production in rural kenya. Market access for maize smallholder farmers in tanzania.

Factors affecting adoption and intensity of use of organic soil management practices in maize production in bungoma county, kenya obedy eric, gido to reduce poverty, which is a major issue in kenya, the agricultural sector and development policies emphasize on use of chemical inputs as a means to increase food production. Factors affecting marketing intensity of wheat growers in. The results indicate that the decision to sell or not to sell maize is. Pdf adoption of maize production technologies in the coastal. Smallholder maize production efficiency in kenya john olwande. Institutional and social economic factors affecting productivity of maize in kenya. Womens empowerment in agriculture and agricultural. Maize farming and production business in africa is a highpotential opportunity for the continent. Maize export ban still affecting farmers malawi 24.

This study focused on factors affecting adoption and intensity of use of organic soil management practices in maize production in bungoma county. Production conditions and cultivation methods are largely identical. The logistic regression is applied on the smallholders decision either to sell or not to sell maize and the type of supply chain either formal or informal. Despite its suitability in the semiarid areas, the area under sorghum production is still low and farmers attain low yields in eastern kenya.

Factors affecting use of improved maize varieties logistic regression. Regional workshop on an integrated policy approach to commercializing smallholder maize production. Opportunities and constraints affecting maize production. What are the factors that influence production of maize.

The study presented sought to investigate factors that facilitate or impede the probability and level of use of different innovations improved varieties, conservation tillage, integrated pest and weed management, and group marketing on the production and marketing of these crops. Agriculture and food authority nuts and oil crops directorate busia county production and market research february 2017 prepared and compiled by. The purpose for this study was to investigate institutional and social economic factors affecting the realization of optimum productivity of maize in kenya, case of transzoia and machakos counties. It is widely eaten in various forms and more than 900 million africans depend on maize every year because it is often cheaper than. The study covered the determining factors that affect maize production in turbo constituency, kenya. In their study on the socioeconomic characteristics affecting maize production in the rukwa region of tanzania, urassa 14 explored the role of. Assessing the constraints affecting production and. The case of boricha woreda in sidama zone, southern ethiopia bealu tukela1, endrias geta, 2 and tadesse ababu 3 abstract maize is an important crop for food security in ethiopia as a source of both food and income. Maize is the one of the most important food crops in tanzania, it comprises 45% of the cultivated area. This argument had revealed in the agricultural surveys conducted by nbs in 2008 and 2014 that, the average annual maize yield for the country is 1. Assessment of some major yieldlimiting factors on maize.

The study of factors affecting the intensity of wheat marketing was undertaken in southeastern ethiopia as to identifying factors affecting proportion wheat production supplied to the market by wheat growers in this area. Innocent masira market development officer nuts and oil crops directorate 6th floor nssf building nkurumah road p. Analysis of socioeconomic factors affecting the coffee. Determining factors that affect maize production in turbo. Pdf institutional and social economic factors affecting. Kakamega, vihiga, narok, busia, siaya, homabay, migori, kisumu, nyeri, meru, embu, machakos, kitui, tana river, muranga. The establishment of ethiopias input program in 1994 coincides with some increase in maize yields, though this was also a time of political conflict. Successful maize production depends on the correct application of production inputs that will sustain the environment as well as agricultural production. Understanding the factors affecting maize yield will make it easy to address most of the challenges that are constraining maize production not only in machakos county but also to the entire lower eastern region of kenya and all over the country hence curb the issue of importing maize and encourage sustainable production. A103123022009 a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of the degree of master of science agribusiness management and trade in the school of agriculture. Factors influencing agricultural productivity in kenya. Maize yield on the 90th percentile of farms in mukuyu and shikomoli was 5. Maize is a main staple crop and a source of income and employment for millions of farming families in the region.

In their study on the socioeconomic characteristics affecting maize production in the rukwa region of tanzania, urassa 14 explored the role of various determinants such as farm size, education. The relevant data were collected and analysed using descriptive. Kaliba, hugo verkuijl, and wilfred mwangi abstract this paper examines factors influencing the. Factors affecting cost of maize in kenya biosafetykenya. Pdf factors influencing maize crop production at household levels. The response of maize production in kenya to economic. Though tanzania is the largest producer of maize in east africa, the country still faces lots of challenges of achieving full business potential. Therefore, following good agriculture practices for crop production will help to maintain soil fertility and ensure a healthy crop. Baseline survey on factors affecting sorghum production. Under the no or low occurrence of diseases or insect pressures, weed infestation was the most important yieldlimiting factor of maize production in. In kenya, nakuru district alone produces 200,000 tonnes per.

The study evaluated the effects of different factors omission from a recommended package of practices on the grain yield of maize. While western kenya is part of a high potential maize production belt, the most important factor contributing to better yields may be the adoption of ppt by households in the study region. A cross sectional survey that included randomly selected samples of 169 adopters and 431 nonadopters. It is designed to senre as a basic reference document for. The aim of this study was to ascertain the relative importance of. Factors affecting adoption and intensity of use of organic. Sensitivity to acetochlor by patricia makuzana mphundi 2007101898 submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree magister scientiae agriculturae agronomy. An assessment of factors affecting adoption of maize production technologies in iganga. Pdf maize is a staple crop in zimbabwe and hence bears important implications for poverty alleviation and food security attainment. Western kenya the lake region is a major maizeproducing region of the country. Factors affecting adoption of improved maize seeds and use.

Specific objectives were to a assess consistent soil and crop management. Maize production manual international institute of. Factors that transformed maize productivity in ethiopia. Maize yield trends and agricultural policy in east africa. Factors affecting adoption of improved maize seeds and use of inorganic fertilizer for maize production in the intermediate and lowland zones of tanzania aloyce r. The cost of production is one of the factors that may determine a farmers. Maize production in kenya has continuously faced a number of challenges that have hampered food availability and access.

This study investigated the response of maize production to both price and nonprice incentives. Conversely, the maize production sector in tanzania exhibits a very low productivity and supply, even with improved seeds smale et al. Institutional and social economic factors affecting. The managerial factors influencing sugarcane production by. Increasing episodes of depressed rainfall affecting maize. Among the most important are total planted area and productivity. Findings show that the key factors influencing maize production are land tenure system that is practiced, lack of use of high yielding maize. Factors influencing maize production in rural kenya international. An assessment of factors affecting adoption of maize production. As an indigenous kenyan crop, sorghum could provide food security and become a suitable alternative in eastern kenya.

Analysis of socioeconomic factors affecting the coffee yields of smallholder farmers in kirinyaga county, kenya. However, maize production is threatened by a series of production constraints that hamper not only the livelihoods of the farming population. The production of maize has shown an increasing trend due to both land area and productivity fao, 2016 mainly in response to the local demand. White maize is biologically and genetically very similar to yellow maize, although there is a difference in appearance due to the absence of carotin oil pigments in the kernel which otherwise cause the yellow colour of the grain. Constraints and opportunities of maize production in western kenya. The main growing counties under this ecology include.